28 September 2018

InteriaMuzyka – This is how it began

This is how it began. A great passion and love for music was born in the Jasło House of Culture Michał reflects on the beginning of his career in an interview with Interia. Article in the link https://muzyka.interia.pl/wiadomosci/news-michal-szpak-o-swoich-poczatkach-spiewalem-piosenke-religijn,nId,2635902 The coach…

Radio Zet - wywiad

Radio Zet – video interview

Saturday’s guest on Marcin Wojciechowski’s “ZET na Punkcie Muzyki” was Michał Szpak. One of the most popular artists of the young generation spoke with our music journalist about the upcoming tour, problems with intolerance and how Poland had to get…

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