
If you would like Michał Szpak’s autograph, we strongly encourage you to attend concerts and meetings (such as the ‘Zlot’ which is organised by us). During such events, if time and place permits, Michał gladly signs photos and gadgets or poses for group photos. The pleasure of receiving an autograph directly from the artist’s hands is undoubtedly unique 🙂

If you do not get such an opportunity, we can help. If you send us a self-addressed and postage paid envelope, we can send you a photograph signed by Michał.

Our address:

Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka
Skrytka pocztowa Nr 28
Filia UP Warszawa 38
ul. Rembielińska 20
03-200 Warszawa


PLEASE NOTE: Autographs which you receive from the Official Fan Club are authentic, signed by Michał Szpak, but they are not personalised. Due to the Vocalist’s work commitments, they are sent out on irregular, few times a year basis, so please be patient 😉



Related Images:

Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone