Michał Szpak classically – opera lovers will be impressed!

Michał Szpak klasycznie

Michał Szpak classically – this is the best way to describe the vocalist’s concerts organized as part of the Classica Tour. The singer and the coach of The Voice of Poland has prepared a special repertoire and performs with accompaniment of string instruments. There is a recording of one of the last concerts online. It will appeal to the fans of the opera!

One of Michał Szpak’s last concerts took place in Poznań. In front of the audience gathered at the Earth Hall, the singer presented a repertoire prepared especially for the Classica Tour. There is a recording online where Michał Szpak, together with his sister, Marlena, sings to the accompaniment of string instruments. The performances are amazing!

More in the link https://www.eska.pl/news/michal-szpak-klasycznie-milosnicy-opery-beda-zachwyceni-video-aa-HYCV-gTiT-P9Kr.html

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Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone