“Wróć do Sorrento” (Come back to Sorrento) – Anna German Festival of Talents – 3.06.2018

A season of great festivals is now opened in Zielona Góra. On Sunday, 3rd June, we could hear songs of Anna German in new arrangements in the amphitheatre there. The songs were performed by, among others, Justyna Steczkowska, Michał Szpak, Natalia Szroeder and Katarzyna Cerekwicka. The festival was broadcasted by TVP 2.

The International Festival of Talents commemorating Anna German took place for the first time over there and it turned out to be very interesting for the local citizens. It’s been a long time since the amphitheatre looked as phenomenal as it did that evening. There were only a few seats available left in the audience. – I had been watching what was going on here since Saturday. I was sitting on a bench in the park and listening to beautiful singing of the artists who were preparing for Sunday performance. I could not wait for tonight – admitted Mrs Irena from Zielona Góra with a smile.

The director of the festival had been announcing from the very beginning that it would be an unforgettable spectacle. It definitely was for many people. – We are impressed by the design of the stage and the lights. A beautiful concert, beautiful emotions, beautiful memories – we heard from the audience.

The first part of the festival was devoted to the legendary vocalist called the White Angel. We heard songs by Anna German in new arrangements with an accompaniment of an orchestra. We could also see archives dedicated to the singer. On the stage we could watch: Justyna Steczkowska, Katarzyna Cerekwicka, Halina Mlynkova, Joanna Moro, Natalia Szroeder, Vladyslav Vdovychenko, (a look- alike of Anna German), Rafał Brzozowski, Michał Szpak and Krzysztof Kilijański.


Gazeta Lubuska,pl

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