Meeting following the concert in Kalisz – 14.04.2018

Dear friends, 😊 following yesterday’s concert in Kalisz, we managed to organize a short meeting between our Fan Club Association and Michał together with the Groove Section band members. Despite of apparent fatigue, Michał managed to find a moment for us and in a relaxed atmosphere we said a few words about the concert, the recording of the new album and the recently completed Classica Tour. At the end we took a commemorative photo together. We hope everyone liked the meeting and will have fond memories 😊.
Chcielibyśmy bardzo podziękować Pani Agacie Skubiszewskiej z Centrum Kultury i We would like to thank Mrs. Agata Skubiszewska from the Center for Culture and Art in Kalisz for making our meeting possible and thank you to Karolina … for everything
We have a snapshot from the meeting for you:)

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Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone