The first concert of the series “Summer with the radio” is over, and how was it? read our Edi’s report.
Fot. Edyta Gd
It was great in Siemiatycze. So, let me say a few words. The nicest thing in Szpak – life is meeting new people. Those, who are still not infected by the Szpak – disease. Yes, definitely – it’s a positive surprise Michał – the artist and his fan club, incredible, when they observe our preparations, and then at the concert itself. When they ask where we are from, and it turns out that we are from all over Poland. And the faces when Michał starts singing. I love it. For example, this time there was a young father and his family next to the stage, who did not want to hold a banner with Michał and threatened us publicly that during Michał’s concert he would go for a walk.
But his wife was over the moon at the thought of Michał. Maybe that’s why he was upset.
I lost the sight of him later on, maybe the girls saw him, and know if he liked the concert. Żuczek, Luiza, Patrycja ?
Banners. When it comes to banners, in Siemiatycze, it was so much harder than usual. It was ‘’Jedynka’’, ‘’Lato z Radiem’’. For Michał, the tours with the media are very important, because they are still more an exception rather than something ordinary. It was a challenge for us. When we arrived at noon , me and Rszek approached a seriously – looking organizer of the tour, – even though he expected us, he looked at us in a , kind of, friendly way, but slightly skeptical. – Banners, you say? But you know that Michał is not the only artist here?
On top of that, all the barriers were covered with the logo of ‘’Jedynka’’. Well, we knew, we knew, but the organizer did not know one thing – what treasures we had there with us. prepared specially for this prestigious occasion. Well, when we pulled out the wonderful “Siemiatycze, Lato z Radiem” banner, the man was shocked. He did not expect it, rather some tired and worn out, by numerous trips, “handicrafts”. And he was ’’ours’’ straight away. – Oh … I thought that we were talking about something else. Nice, really nice. And the words: ‘Summer with the Radio’’, oh it’s surprising. Well, you can hang it . – he decided – in the main spot. Later on, everything was covered up by the crowd, but for a few hours, at least, our beautiful OFC banner was seen by everyone , and the special one ‘’Siemiatycze- Summer- Radio’, aroused a lot of interest among everyone walking around on the grounds of the festival. And the TV kept on showing our banners, persistently, until the event began.
Just before Michał’s performance, fans from our group, were walking around handing out cards. They were as popular as fresh rolls. I had to take out more of them, three times, from the bag. That few odd gentlemen do not count!
Michał rocked and even the crowd, being very close, did not put him off. Although, he always says, that it overwhelms him. But that Sunday, he often came up to the edge of the stage. Hmm … his jokes, such as: what do women use in order to sing Rosanna, are clearly better and better. Since some of us had been outraged by the expressions, regarding the ‘’chests’’, this time it was about great … ‘’lungs’’
The funniest moment was, when the speaker told him to throw balls out to the audience. Michał probably wanted to demonstrate these ‘’big female lungs’’ using beach balls… He was amused as a child.
What can be seen on the photos.
After the concert there was a moment for fans. And at this time, we pulled the Siemiatyczer banner out one more time, what aroused a lot of interest again. What’s more, also Michał liked it very much. <3 When he saw it, his eyes shone brightly. I will not try to explain it, because I am just not able to.
But you probably know what I mean.
After signing the banner, he took my phone to take a selfie during this activity.
What can be seen in the attached pictures.
Coming back to the topic of the ‘’Szpak – disease’’ … I watched another infected lady later on
A really nice and elegant director of the Culture Center in Siemiatycze, who has probably had a rather ‘’ cautious’’ approach to Michał, after the concert, she did not want to stop taking photos with him. And her son. And when he left, she could not stop repeating “how nice he was, so direct, cordial and natural, I thought he was quite different.” We already know these symptoms. But we already know the symptoms and like it when they spread out.
And at the very end we spent an hour doing business.
We were almost leaving Siemiatycze, but Roszek still wanted to checke out a stand in front of our noses, meaning our car. – Come on, let’s see what’s going on over there. This is called the ‘’Szpak professional deviation’’, as it was a stand was with shiny gadgets. We checked out the whole assortment, we asked about all possible variations of lanterns, clubs and other items. Then there were some negotiations. Mr. Robert wanted to take our OFC leashes from our necks, he offered half of the stand for them. A collector or something. In the end, he got an OFC leash and a beautiful photos of Michał for his daughters. And he promised us that he would come to Puck with the assortment of the gadgets. If I’m not there, please check if he kept his word, and let me know.
And when we were just walking away, he commented on our beauty and suddenly stated giving us advise- “You will look good in this, and you in that”. And before we could react, he put a Śnieżka’s bow on Roszek’s head and a hat on my head. And you know what? The guy is good at it! For the first time in my life I liked wearing a hat! A shiny one. Whether it looks good or not, I am going to wear it at the concerts of Szpak.
We took photos wearing the gadgets, in the beautiful surroundings of the nice countryside, with the salesman and Aguniszelka, who came up to us. And we left without paying. I have no idea if we were suppsed to pay or not but the police was never looking for us, although they were there, driving around in the streets of Siemiatycze. We are the best at dooing business. Only I am not sure if Mr. Robert would say “business with you is pleasure”.
But he sent me photos by email later on, so I do not think that he was angry.
We were at 3:30 am at home and had to be at 8:00 am at work. I mean Roszek, I fortunately was not well and culd stay at home.
Well, see you, till the next ‘’Szpak trip’’.