We seem to live in a different world :) – 27.06.2017

Since Saturday, 24th June, we all seem to live in a different world – a new one and a better one. 🙂 The preparations for the concert in Jasło and the concert itself have released in us a lot of positive emotions and an unexpected amount of energy. It all made us feel something special. It’s all because of Our Artist, who has been singing the maxim since several years:

But there are more people of good will

and I strongly believe,

that this world,

will never die thanks to them.

Now, we know it for sure – the world will not die, and it can be even better. 🙂 Thank you for the fact that we were all TOGETHER in Jasło. That this huge banner was there for a reason. Thank you for your work on the setting of the concert, for your smile and singing.  We do not want to say anyone’s name, but we would like all of  you to take our bow. We would like to thank all fan clubs of Michał, which cooperated with us on the setting of the concert ( particularly FC Wszpak),  international fan clubs, which supported our initiative, thank you with all our hearts. 🙂  This is a new chapter in our history. The power of us acting together is incredible. Many other cities will definitely be on fire soon. 🙂

Thank you and see you in front of the stage.


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Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone