Dear All! We know that some of you are waiting for the opportunity to join Michał Szpak’s Official Fan Club Association. Please be advised that anyone can belong to the Association, regardless of their citizenship and country of residence. Those who are underage must also submit, in addition to the declarations of joining the Association, the agreement of a legal person who looks after them.
You can download the membership declaration and the agreement below (click on “DOWNLOAD FILE”)
1) DECLARATION –—anmt.html
2) STATEMENT-—6ayn.html
You need to print the documents , fill them in, sign and then send to the address:
Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka
Skrytka pocztowa Nr 28
Filia UP Warszawa 38
ul. Rembielińska 20
03-200 Warszawa
The completed declarations can also be given to people from the Association’s Board before or after Michał’s concerts. There will also be an opportunity to join to the Association, if there will be enough time. 🙂
The annual fee is PLN 50, there must be a note in the transfer: “association fee+ name and surname”. The account number:
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
32 1050 1764 1000 0090 8012 5538
If the transfer for a member of the Association is made by another person, please add the name and surname of this person in the title of the transfer. In future, there will also be a possibility of subscribing to the Association via our website. We will keep you updated. 🙂
All address details, as well as the bank account number to which you can pay the contributions can be found on