Festival press – 05.06.2016

This victory could not go unnoticed! Below there is some information from the festival press, including  the ‘’festival entrance of  Szpak ” and … his Mustang.  😀 What a symbolic set: known for being unique Michał and the legend of motorization, named after beautiful untamed animals. 🙂  More photos here

An interview with 
Michał after the victory:
The summary of yesterday’s results:
Party: http://party.pl/imprezy/festiwale/opole-superjedynki-2016-lista-laureatow-kto-zdobyl-nagrody-22561-r3/
Onet: http://muzyka.onet.pl/koncerty/opole-2016-noc-nalezala-do-varius-manx-ale-zatriumfowalo-reggae-zdjecia-i-relacja/hpd0qh
TVP: http://www.tvp.info/25656244/swieto-polskiej-piosenki-w-opolu-znamy-laureatow-superpremier-i-superjedynek

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