Not such “full” happiness… for some ;) – 15.06.2015

Apart from all artistic values, the concert ”SuperPremiery” is also a musical competition. Maryla Rodowicz was asked about her favourite, Maryla Rodowicz jeszcze przez Festiwalem wskazała na Michała Szpaka:

He has a strong voice and a unique look. He should represent us during the Eurovision. Because he can not only sing but he is also presentable and he would stand out from the group of the other artists, and this is very important in this particular competition.

As it turned out later on, she was right – it was him, who got the award from the audience. According to a portal Michał wyprzedził Marylę Rodowicz o 8 tysięcy głosów!

Perhaps the bitterness of the failure turned out to be too big for the singer, since she did not come out to the  stage during the announcement of the results. There was also a small scandal behind the scenes. Donatan, the producer responsible for the competition song of Rodowicz “Pełnia”, provoked a small fight with Michał’s manager, Jacek Jastrowicz. The incident was quickly picked up by the gossip sites, and Szpak commented on it as followsSzpak skomentował to następująco:


Oj Doniu, Doniu … You can see, some of us have no manners, you have to know how to lose sometimes – that’s all to the topic! I am sorry that such behavior still takes place in this world.


Both Donatan and Maryla Rodowicz tried to make excuses on their facebook profiles. Music Art Agency decided to issue their own statement about the incident, which we publish below:


News_Nie taka pelnia szczescia_02


Let’s add that Michał received the congratulations otrzymał gratulacje od wielkiej przegranej:

I congratulate Michał Szpak on winning the concert  in Opole. I wish him that his career speeds up because he deserves it.


… and he replied odpowiedział:

Thank you, Maryla Rodowicz, for your congratulations. From an early age, I have been an admirer of your great talent. I am at the beginning of my artistic path, that is why congratulations from such a great artist are huge honour for me.


Also Stan Borys sent his congratulations ze strony Stana Borysa:

Congratulations Michał, good luck, we wish you great success, regards from Juleczka and Ania

… and from Natalia Niemen, who, in spite of having not a very nice opinion about the whole festival, said about Michał that he had a huge and rare vocal gift “rzadko spotykanego, gigantycznego talentu wokalnego”, she added later on kilka słów więcej:

Michał Szpak (…) drew my attention. With the possibilities of his voice, not the song. The song disappointed me. Such types of voices can  sing even a phone book, but Michał is too talented for such fake songs. I’m glad that he won. He is an extremely talented vocalist. I can compare Szpak’s possibilities to a wide spectrum of the vocal powers of my favorite vocalist Steve Perry, who was perfect in rock hits, and he could also, poetically and beautifully, convey the lyrics of  “Diva song” songs. It would be nice to hear Michał in strong, interesting rock compositions.


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