A new stage, some more news! – 07.02.2015

Michał poinformował właśnie oficjalnie na swoim fanpage’u Michał has just officially announced on his fan page about starting a cooperation with a new manager, Jacek Jastrowicz. The news sound very exciting, especially if we take into consideration that Jastrowicz is in charge of well-known artists with a well-established position on the Polish music market, such as Patrycja Markowska, Kasia Kowalska or IRA. Congratulations and we look forward to the effects of the cooperation!

As Michał promises:


It’s not everything yet! Cheers 😉 


We trust your words  😉


And in the  meanwhile, another stage challenge ahead of Michał.  As it is reported on a page of the 36th Actor’s Song Review in Wrocław, Jak poinformowano na stronie 36. Przeglądu Piosenki Aktorskiej we Wrocławiu, the Vocalist will perform on the stage of the Polish Theater  during a gala entitled “Proszę Państwa, będzie wojna!’’ (Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a war!) The Gala is scheduled for the last two days of the festival, March 28-29, 2015 (Saturday, Sunday), and the ticket sales begin today. It is worth noting that the Saturday concert is recorded by Telewizja Polska (Polish TV)– you can watch it on 29th  March at 10:55 pm on TVP 2! More information about the whole event on wroclaw.pl

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