E-mail to tvp.pl – 13.12.2012

Thanks to our email request, a unique recording from a program “Kawa czy Herbata”, during which Michał presented for the first time his own interpretation of ” Jaskółka uwięziona ” from the repertoire of Stan Borys was posted on the website of TVP1 website. You can read our email here

The text:


We had already contacted you to ask you to post a recording of Michał Szpak’s performance from a program  “Kawa czy herbata” from 4th December 2012 on a page of tvp.pl, unfortunately we have not received any answer. The video did not appear on the website.

It is not a nice situation when you invite one of the best voices of the young generation, who has the opportunity to sing for you one of the most beautiful pieces of Polish pop music and then you allow this moving performance, awaited by many supporters and fans, to be forgotten. We would like to mention that the request to post this performance is supported by several dozen people on your fan page.

Since we care about the quality of the recording, we would like to ask if the video has a chance to appear on tvp.pl or if there is any other possibility of obtaining it. We will be grateful for any information.

We often witness this young Artist to be discriminated by the media, but we think that the most important measure should be the talent that Michał Szpak undoubtedly has, what he also proved singing ” Jaskółka uwięziona’’. We trust that, also for you, it is the most important determinant of artistry.

Kind regards,

Official Fan Club of Michał Szpak

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