Opole 2012. The stars arrive at the festival – festiwal.nto – 29.05.2012

Michał’s cooment about Niemen’s song:


Preparations for the 49th National Festival of Polish Song in Opole is in full swing. Friday evening will begin “Crazy 1960s”, during which we will hear old hits in versions. Kamil Bednarek will perform the Skaldowie repertoire singing ” “Wszystko mi mówi, że mnie ktoś pokochał”” in reggae version, Enej, who won the hearts of the audience with ” Skrzydlatymi rękami”, will present a new version of ” Czarnego Ali Baby” and Michał Szpak will sing Czesław Niemen’s”Płonącą stodoła.

– I think that both artists have a lot in common – says Mikołaj Dobrowolski, spokesman for the festival. – Czesław Niemen, like Michał Szpak today, was a rebellious artist who evoked great emotions, and he was also told about his long hair – he laughs.

Michał cringed slightly at such comparison only to realise there was something in it. – I think I am controversial like him and people find it difficult to accept – he concludes. – The fact that I wear rings or paint my fingernails bothers some people. They prefer not to invite me to parties, because they are afraid it will cause a stir. All the more I am glad that I could come to Opole – he confesses.

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