Michał Szpak is back in The Voice of Poland!

After three years of absence, Michał Szpak returns to the Voice of Poland, which was very warmly received not only by the fans of the Artist but also by fans of the programme, who have often requested to bring their favourite coach back. Michał was a coach in 4 seasons of the programme and two participants from his team won the programme while two others came second. Michał was voted by the programme audience the best coach of 10 last editions of the TV show. Will Michał be able to repeat his success in the next 15th edition of The Voice of Poland? We will find out soon as the first episode of the new season of the VOP will be broadcast on 7th September;

And what is the opinion of the programme producers about the new team of coaches? “The new edition of the Voice of Poland will be different from the previous ones. The criteria for selecting stars to evaluate the participants were based on their professionalism, knowledge and substantive approach, not on popularity in the media. The participants should be the most important, no one should distract attention from them” – says a person from the TV show’s production.

We keep our fingers crossed for our Artist and hope that he will find the best voice in Poland once again. 

Photo credit PAP

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