The Telekamery 2018 Award in the ‘Best Judge’ category goes to… Michał Szpak!!! – 12.02.2018

Michał Szpak wins the Telekamery 2018 Award and the title of The Best Judge!!! 🏆🥇❤😍

Huge congratulations, Michał!!! 💋😘💕👏

1st place – Michał Szpak 45% votes
2nd place – Augustin Egurrola 23% votes
3rd place – Tomson i Baron 17% votes

You have brought freshness, new emotions, sensitivity and experience to The Voice of Poland. You have applied freshness, new emotions, sensitivity and experience to The Voice of Poland. Your protégé won the show! ❤ A beautiful debut! 😊 😍

We thank your irreplaceable fans for whom it was clear from the very beginning who deserved this trophy, and also all the viewers who voted! 😊🌹😘💪

And now we celebrate! 🍾🎊🎉


  • Baron i Tomson
  • Agustin Egurrola
  • Rafał Maślak
  • Michał Szpak – ZWYCIĘZCA
  • Małgorzata Walewska



Short summary❓ By all means: seven Telekamers in total, including three Gold for serial … Telekameurs

Mikołaj Roznerski, Michał Szpak, Dariusz Szpakowski, Marzena Słupkowska, together with Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, Michał Żebrowski and crew on “Na sygnale” 💪💪💪 Thank you! You’re the best!



Michal’s sister Marlena  accepted the award on his behalf.

Michał says thank you on his fp 🙂
Voice of Poland TVP 🤘🏼
There are no words to describe what I am feeling right now !
My dearests, when I first sat in the coach’s chair, I was very afraid (to be judging human talent? Me? How?) many people didn’t believe in me in the new role but I don’t think I was that bad! I tried to notice the sincerity and the emotions because I know how much people miss it now. The award was accepted by my beloved crazy sister, Marlena Szpak. Unfortunately, I’m in bed trying to recover from this damn illness. I’ll be honest and tell you that when I was a child I liked being sick but now the boredom drives me mad hahaha. Anyway, thank you to everyone who voted for me. Thank you for the huge support which I receive from you, the fans !!! & # X2764;
I would like to dedicate this award to those who fight for their dreams, those who do not buckle under peer pressure and stay true to their ideals and conquer the world for themselves above all and seize their dreams
I love you Marysia, I love you my family, I love you my fans.
See you tomorrow in Szczecin, keep your fingers crossed!!

Radio Zet about Michał’s victory.
“Michał Szpak nie mógł wyobrazić sobie lepszego debiutu jako trener w The Voice of Poland. Wziął udział tylko w jednej edycji, a już może pochwalić się zwycięstwem swojej podopiecznej. Ciężka praca artysty została właśnie doceniona. 27-latek otrzymał statuetkę Telekamery „Tele Tygodnia”.

“Michał Szpak couldn’t imagine a better debut as a coach on The Voice of Poland. He participated in only one season but already he can be proud of his protégé’s victory. The artist’s hard work has just been recognised. The 27-year-old received the ‘Tele Tydzien’ Telekamery Award”.

“Did Marlena Szpak believe from the beginning that her brother would achieve such big success on the Polish music market? Michał Szpak began his career  with performing on X Factor “. Michal Szpak began his career with performing on X Factor. The musician then won a high second place. From that moment, Michal Szpak continues to achieve successes and his fanbase keeps growing. The singer has, amongst others, has the Eurovision Song Contest under his belt. Recently, Michal has won the Telekamery 2018 Award for the ‘Judge of the Year” in the Telekamery 2018 poll. His sister Marlena accepted the award on behalf of the artist. We decided to ask Michała Szpak’s, sister if she believed in her brother’s success from the very beginning. What did she tell us?łuchajcie sami!” 
Believed from the beginning that her brother would achieve such big success on the Polish music market?
Michal Szpak began his career with performing on X Factor. The musician then won a high second place. From that moment, Michal Szpak continues to achieve successes and his fanbase keeps growing. The singer has, amongst others, has the Eurovision Song Contest under his belt. Recently, Michal has won the Telekamery 2018 Award for the ‘Judge of the Year” in the Telekamery 2018 poll. His sister Marlena accepted the award on behalf of the artist. We decided to ask Michal Szpak’s sister if she believed in her brother’s success from the very beginning. What did she tell us?

Related Images:

Oficjalny Fan Club Michała Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone