Press before the festival – 19.06.2015

For artists, the Festival in Opole means not only evening performances, but also a whole set of interviews, photos and articles. To put it short, in the amphitheatre there is as busy as inside a hive. On the Internet, there is also a lot going on long after the concerts are over. Michał was one of the most sought-after celebrities, even before winning the plebiscite ‘’SuperPremiery’’.

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Below, there a some links to the news regarding the festival, that have appeared on the Internet during the last two days: Michał o swojej płycie Michał opowiada o swoim autorskim utworze “Jesteś Bohaterem” wywiad po wygranej w SuperPremierach

An interview after receiving the award: Michał Szpak wygrał SuperPremiery

telemagazyn: Michał Szpak wygrał SuperPremiery (wywiad) Szpak – To bardzo ważny krok (wywiad) Michał Szpak przeszedł do historii polskiej muzyki

Michał widziany oczami (a raczej sercem 🙂 ) opolskiej stylistki fryzur


A mistake was made by Radia Zet, that posted the article below  (Opole 2015: SuperPremiery – Michał Szpak zwycięzcą), where they missed a link to the awarded song. It’s hard to say where this mistake comes from, but the fans intervened very quickly in the comments and, after the information appeared on the page after a few days – tekst prezentujący postać samego Zwycięzcy. We hope that Radio Zet follows the taste of the listeners and they are going to add Michał’s single to their list of songs – at least in one version!  😉


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