That’s the way it’s done! – 21.04.2015

There is one thing for sure, Szpak has always known how to mess it up. 🙂 Whether he does it with his amazing performance, his peculiar stylization or intriguing statements MichaƂ has undoubtedly the ability to surprise and create confusion. And although he is often accused of bringing the attention of the observers to his non-musical matters, this time he seems to shock everyone with a purely artistic message. The vocalist kept mentioning that he had been working on his debut, full-length album, however the release of the new single was not preceded by any major announcement or great promotion. Nevertheless, from the day of its premiere, the video for “Real Hero” has been gaining hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, and it is now mentioned on many portals that Szpak is going to come back with his new material. None of the journalists and critics have had the courage to attempt to give a particular opinion yet, however the comments of the listeners are extremely positive  🙂 A unique composition – fresh and resembling best classic rock ballads – takes MichaƂ to a new musical level, confirming his outstanding talent. Also, a more mature image has won the appreciation of the skeptics, who had criticized the young singer for crazy stylizations.

Below, there are some links to the articles that have recently appeared on the Internet:


Wirtualna Polska

Onet – Flesz Muzyczny

Pudelek o “następcy Niemena”

Eska – 6 powodów, dla których warto czekać na pƂytę MichaƂa

Eska o szokującej zmianie wizerunkowej

Jaslonet , Jaslo4u , TwojeJaslo i “hit dnia”

Interia: MichaƂ Szpak powraca


Kozaczek o powrocie Szpaka “na powaĆŒnie”


Muzykoholicy – Must Watch

Dziennik Wariata (blog) – 3 x tak MichaƂ Szpak

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Oficjalny Fan Club MichaƂa Szpaka | 2011 - 2018 - Wszystkie Prawa ZastrzeĆŒone