The Jasło Days celebrations have come to an end. Czernecki: ”These artists will conquer the world” – Jaslonet – 13.06.2011,5712.html


This year’s Jasło Days have come to an end. The organizers had prepared many attractions for the residents of Jasło. On stage were local artists: Michał Szpak, Mateusz Mijal and the “Dziewczyny” duet with Anna Karamon from Jasło..

Mateusz Mijal, who performed such songs as “Wiara” and “Góraleczko”, was the first to appear before the Jasło audience.

Later on, “Dziewczyny” went on stage, who, together with Michał Szpak appeared on the X Factor. “Dziewczyny” presented some of their songs, including “Seks na plazy”.

The last to appear on stage was the finalist on the X Factor – Michał Szpak, whose songs could be heard on TVN. Among them were: “Californication” and “Dziwny jest ten swiat” from the repertoire of Czesław Niemen.

At the end, the Mayor of the City of Jasło – Andrzej Czernecki gave the young artists statuettes with the image of a globe.
– Tonight’s concert was supposed to be a family concert and it was. We owe our good entertainment to our Jasło artists who will conquer the world. – Czernecki said.

The organizer of this year’s Jasło Days was the City of Jasło, a partner – Grupa LOTOS, co-organizer – Jasielski Dom Kultury. One of the media patrons of the event was Portal

Przemysław Janas

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