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A catwalk adventure – 14.05.2015

Known for his weakness for fashion, the vocalist will soon have the opportunity to take over the catwalk wearing clothes prepared especially for him by a young designer. We are talking about the final of the “Project Runway” program, in…

A visit in TVP1 – 10.05.2015

”Świat się kręci”, and Szpak is going to be there on Friday 15th May – straight from the studio of TVP1. You are invited to watch it at 6:30 pm. We have a feeling that we are going to hear…

That’s the way it’s done! – 21.04.2015

There is one thing for sure, Szpak has always known how to mess it up. 🙂 Whether he does it with his amazing performance, his peculiar stylization or intriguing statements Michał has undoubtedly the ability to surprise and create confusion….

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